1.) Goals and Why
my goal is to find good balance in all my pursuits. Why? I have found that being too extreme in pursuit of any one thing comes with trade offs that have led me to not be true to my values. As an athlete, I want to keep progressing in my sport, putting up higher totals and improving my form. I came to the sport late (age 40!) and feel there is so much more room to grow. Why? Getting PRs means getting stronger and that feels powerful.
2.) What keeps me motivated?
Being a role model for my kids and other women. Showing them that strength is powerful, balance is the long game, and being true to themselves is important.
3.) Why is it important to live a healthy lifestyle?
Movement is a gift and I want to be able to keep this body going and doing amazing things for a very long time.
4.) Memorable Experience?
Not so much an experience but the approach, the fact that it is multifaceted and holistic in considering individual nutritional needs / hormone issues / health concerns and using food as fuel. Also the acknowledgement that there are phases in your life when different goals / objectives take priority over others and that is not a shameful thing but a natural process.
5.) Accomplishments -
Trusting the process has left me feeling fed, fueled, and much happier than I was before without a negative impact to my weight / measurements. For me that is huge, because I no longer crave those “sometimes” foods or alcohol like I used to and rarely get “the hangry”. I’m looking forward to how this will play out as I work towards my next competition!