What are your current goals and why?
Building strength has been my goal since the beginning. I never knew how to approach increasing my lifts on my own. I knew my technique was lacking as well. I needed guidance and specific coaching and Alexa saw a lifting post about how frustrated I was with my lifts and now she's my coach! My endurance was/is decent but I couldn't RX many workouts because I couldn't do the prescribed weights. That gap needed to be filled ASAP! I wanted to be a strong B!
What keeps you motivated?
What keeps me motivated is knowing that the work I'm putting in now will show in my performance later. Also the accountability of having a workout written on a specific day that I have to complete helps keep me consistent.
Why is it important to you to live a healthy lifestyle?
It's important for me to live a healthy lifestyle because it makes me feel good. When I eat terribly, I suffer later. When I don't workout, I miss that after workout high. Staying healthy helps my mental state.
What is your most memorable experience in this program?
Oh gosh! It's all memorable but there's a couple of noteworthy mentions.
1) My gut health. When I started, my gut was bloated 6 out of 7 days of the week. Gassy allllll the time and I really was at a loss. Alexa said that tracking my food and indicating when I felt bloated and gassy would help us narrow down the issue. Boy did she! I needed to drink more water and eat more veggies. So simple! My gut has done a 180 and that's not even why I started the program! It's amazing.
2) Something that I will always have with me now is better technique on my oly lifts. Still needs work but I am aware of what I need to work on thanks to Alexa and that's invaluable to me.
BRIGHT SPOTS. Hype up your accomplishments, what are you most proud of so far since starting the program?
I'm most proud of the improvement of my lifts haha specifically my Front squats and clean and jerk. I'm so hyped about my maxes on those this past week! Huge PRs. But a few mini bright spots or things that I've noticed is that 55# thrusters feel light and my butterfly pull ups have improved! Whenever I practice my butterfly pull ups I feel pretty badass. 😏