What are your current goals and why?
My current goals are losing weight and building strength. I started this program almost a year ago at a very low point in my life and knew I wasn’t taking care of my body. I was technically obese, stressed, not moving much, and - even though I was seeing friends and socializing - not feeling a lot of joy. I just got tired of how my life was and I knew I needed to make some changes. I wanted to take care of my body not only to feel better now but also to feel good for all the years ahead of me. I want to be able to help friends and family move heavy things, explore fashion with confidence, have more energy, and climb stairs without getting out of breath.
What keeps you motivated?
It’s a mixture of building a habit, understanding myself, and trust. I once worked with a different trainer who told me that sometimes you need to force yourself to start something to build motivation. It’s like pushing a rock down a hill — without that initial force, it is not going anywhere and after you push it, it’ll build momentum. When I am really not feeling it, I remind myself of how I felt when I started and how far I have come. I know by going to the gym I am not only making my physical body feel good but also my mind. Lastly, I just am trusting the process and trusting my lovely coach, Emma, that I am on the right path! This isn’t a phase or a diet fad, this is an entire lifestyle overhaul.
Why is it important to you to live a healthy lifestyle?
I have always known that physical and mental health is intrinsically linked. I struggled with my mental health and still do in certain aspects. What I have learned in this program more than ever is how much of an impact that making these nutrition changes and practicing strength training had on my mental well-being. So, this makes living a healthy lifestyle ever more important to me now than even when I started.
What is your most memorable experience in this program?
This is hard to say but what first came to mind is the first call I had with Emma and how genuine and attentive she was. I knew I was going to be in good hands and I was so overwhelmed and frightened to start my journey. I think it was the best decision I have made as what I learn in this program I am going to take with me for the rest of my life. I learned I like being stronger and learning how strong I am.
BRIGHT SPOTS. Hype up your accomplishments, what are you most proud of so far since starting the program?
I have lost around 30 lbs so far and learned how to cook more nutritious meals. I understand food more. I am building my confidence so much. I feel much stronger. I started this program with almost zero experience in the gym and almost zero confidence in my ability. Now, I impress myself with what I am capable of lifting, even if it is not what some people would consider a lot (I just remind myself I am a level 1 fitness girl, haha). I have taken what I learn at the gym and apply it in real life. If I underestimate my physical strength, what else do I underestimate? So far, I stepped up and talked to my boss about my position, I said yes to going on a date when I would usually shy away, I hiked a mountain, and recently bought a bikini!