How many times have you heard the saying, “New year, new me”? And how many times have you said this to yourself?
Whenever the holidays are in full swing, we tend to let our discipline slip a bit. It can be REALLY hard to say no to extra portions, yummy cookies, or even a fun alcoholic beverage. This behavior is justified with the mindset, “It’s no big deal. I’ll just start over in the New Year!”
In January, we often start off with a perfect plan in terms of bettering our health and fitness. However, A LOT of us quickly fall back into our old habits. By overindulging during the holidays and then setting unrealistic expectations for the new year, we are setting ourselves up for failure.
The human body craves stability. Our hormone, digestive, respiratory, and muscle systems all work in perfect harmony to maintain homeostasis.
When we suddenly consume high amounts of lesser-quality foods during the holidays, then try and return back to our healthier habits in January, we send our bodies into disarray. Pair that with “dieting” and increased exercise and the body becomes STRESSED out.
My suggestion as a health and fitness coach is to start making those lifestyle changes NOW so that you can lay a solid foundation for achieving your goals in the new year!
You don’t need to wait for a certain time of the year to embrace healthy lifestyles. Put a plan into action the minute you think about it. Whether it’s wanting to eat healthier, develop a workout routine, or lose weight/gain muscle, we at All-Tru are here to help you reach your goals in a manageable, sustainable way.
Here are some helpful tips to get you started:
ENJOY your food
If you’re going to indulge in something, slow down and take the time to enjoy it instead of scarfing it down and then reaching for the next treat. Be present at that moment to enjoy all of the flavors and chew slowly to allow your brain to process what you have eaten. This will also allow your stomach to have time to digest it, leaving you full and satisfied.
Change your mindset
When you put off starting new healthy habits until January, you give yourself permission to indulge and put off exercise and/or healthy eating around the holidays. Once January comes around, trying to establish those new healthy habits can be very overwhelming! Try shifting your mindset to “I can be healthy NOW and indulge in moderation whenever I want!” This gives you power over your food and lifestyle and enables you to reclaim that control.
Now, not later
Have you ever heard the saying, “If you want something you’ll do it, and if you don’t, you’ll make an excuse”? It’s easy to put things off and say we will deal with them again. But in the long run, this way of thinking makes the problem harder to work out, which can increase stress levels! By taking the initiative and starting your journey NOW, you’ll feel better knowing that you are taking steps towards a healthier lifestyle.
So with all that being said…
What are you waiting for?
If you want to start your journey now, you’re only a quick application away!